symbol_character = ? not (")" | "(" | "[" | "]" | U+0022 | \p{Separator}) ? ; symbol = symbol_character , { symbol_character } ; quoted_character = ? not U+0022 ? ; quoted_string = (quoted_character | escape) , { (quoted_character | escape) } ; escape = escape_carriage | escape_newline | escape_tab | escape_quote | escape_unicode4 | escape_unicode8 ; escape_carriage = "\r" ; escape_newline = "\n" ; escape_quote = "\" , U+0022 ; escape_tab = "\t" ; escape_unicode4 = "\u" , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit ; escape_unicode8 = "\u" , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit ; hex_digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "0" | "a" | "A" | "b" | "B" | "c" | "C" | "d" | "D" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" ; expression = symbol | quoted_string | "[" , { expression } , "]" | "(" , { expression } , ")" ;
Notation | Description |
e ∈ A | e is an element of the set A |
e ∉ A | e is not an element of the set A |
{ x₀, x₁, ... xₙ } | A set consisting of values from x₀ to xₙ |
{ e ∈ A | p(e) } | A set consisting of the elements of A for which the proposition p holds |
|A| | The cardinality of the set A; a measure of the number of elements in A |
∅ | The empty set |
𝔹 | The booleans |
ℕ | The natural numbers |
ℝ | The real numbers |
ℤ | The integers |
[a, b] | A closed interval in a set (given separately or implicit from the types of a and b), from a to b, including a and b |
(a, b] | A closed interval in a set (given separately or implicit from the types of a and b), from a to b, excluding a but including b |
[a, b) | A closed interval in a set (given separately or implicit from the types of a and b), from a to b, including a but excluding b |
(a, b) | A closed interval in a set (given separately or implicit from the types of a and b), from a to b, excluding a and b |
A ⊂ B | A is a subset of, and is not equal to, B |
A ⊆ B | A is a subset of, or is equal to, B |
package_name_unqualified = \p{Lowercase_Letter} , { \p{Lowercase_Letter} | '_' | \p{Digit} } ; package_name_qualified = package_name_unqualified , { "." , package_name_unqualified } ;
type_name = \p{Letter_Uppercase} , { \p{Letter} | \p{Digit} | '_' } ;
package_import = (import q:<package_name_qualified> as r:package_name_unqualified)
record_field_padding_declaration = (padding-octets <size_expression>) record_field_value_declaration = (field <field_name> <type_expression>) record_field_declaration = record_field_padding_declaration | record_field_value_declaration record_declaration = (record t:<type_name> f:(<record_field_declaration> ...))
packed_field_padding_declaration = (padding-bits <size_expression>) packed_field_value_declaration = (field <field_name> <type_expression>) packed_field_declaration = packed_field_padding_declaration | packed_field_value_declaration packed_declaration = (packed t:<type_name> f:(<packed_field_declaration> ...))
format_expression = "signed" | "unsigned" | "signed-normalized" | "unsigned-normalized" ; integer_expression = (integer s:<format_expression> t:<size_expression>)
boolean_set_expression = (boolean-set s:<size_expression> f:(<field-name> ...))
vector_expression = (vector t:<type_expression> s:<size_expression>)
matrix_expression = (matrix t:<type_expression> w:<size_expression> h:<size_expression>)
string_expression = (string s:<size_expression> e:<quoted_string>)
type_reference_qualified = package_name_unqualified , ":" , type_name ; type_reference = type_name | type_reference_qualified ;