expression = symbol | quoted_string | "[" , { expression } , "]" | "(" , { expression } , ")" ;
symbol_character = ? not (")" | "(" | "[" | "]" | U+0022 | WHITESPACE) ? ; symbol = symbol_character , { symbol_character } ; quoted_character = ? not U+0022 ? ; quoted_string = U+0022 , (quoted_character | escape) , { (quoted_character | escape) } , U+0022 ; escape = escape_carriage | escape_newline | escape_tab | escape_quote | escape_unicode4 | escape_unicode8 ; escape_carriage = "\r" ; escape_newline = "\n" ; escape_quote = "\" , U+0022 ; escape_tab = "\t" ; escape_unicode4 = "\u" , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit ; escape_unicode8 = "\u" , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit , hex_digit ; hex_digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "0" | "a" | "A" | "b" | "B" | "c" | "C" | "d" | "D" | "e" | "E" | "f" | "F" ;
data Rule = MAnySymbol | MAnyQuoted | MAnyList | MExactSymbol String | MExactQuoted String | MExactList [Rule] | MChoice [Rule] | MListVariadic [Rule] Rule deriving Eq
instance Show Rule where show (MExactSymbol s) = "(#exact-symbol " ++ s ++ ")" show (MExactQuoted s) = "(#exact-quoted " ++ s ++ ")" show (MExactList s) = "(#exact-list [" ++ (concatMap show s) ++ "])" show MAnySymbol = "#any-symbol" show MAnyQuoted = "#any-quoted" show MAnyList = "#any-list" show (MChoice s) = "(#choice [" ++ (concatMap show s) ++ "])" show (MListVariadic s m) = "(#variadic [" ++ (concatMap show s) ++ "]" ++ (show m) ++ ")"
matches :: SE.Expr -> Rule -> Bool matches (SE.ESymbol e) (MExactSymbol s) = e == s matches (SE.ESymbol _) (MExactQuoted _) = False matches (SE.ESymbol _) (MExactList _) = False matches (SE.ESymbol _) MAnySymbol = True matches (SE.ESymbol _) MAnyQuoted = False matches (SE.ESymbol _) MAnyList = False matches (SE.ESymbol _) (MListVariadic _ _) = False matches (SE.EQuoted _) MAnySymbol = False matches (SE.EQuoted _) MAnyQuoted = True matches (SE.EQuoted _) MAnyList = False matches (SE.EQuoted e) (MExactQuoted s) = e == s matches (SE.EQuoted _) (MExactSymbol _) = False matches (SE.EQuoted _) (MExactList _) = False matches (SE.EQuoted _) (MListVariadic _ _) = False matches (SE.EList _) (MExactSymbol _) = False matches (SE.EList _) (MExactQuoted _) = False matches (SE.EList _) MAnySymbol = False matches (SE.EList _) MAnyQuoted = False matches (SE.EList _) MAnyList = True matches (SE.EList s) (MExactList m) = (length s) == (length m) && all (\(xe,xm) -> matches xe xm) (zip s m) matches (SE.EList s) (MListVariadic m0 mr) = if (length s >= length m0) then let prefix_zip = take (length m0) (zip s m0) prefix_ok = all (\(xe,xm) -> matches xe xm) prefix_zip suffix = drop (length m0) s suffix_zip = zip suffix (replicate (length suffix) mr) suffix_ok = all (\(xe,xm) -> matches xe xm) suffix_zip in prefix_ok && suffix_ok else False matches e (MChoice m0)= 1 == length (filter (matches e) m0)
> matches (SE.ESymbol "x") MAnySymbol True > matches (SE.EQuoted "x") MAnySymbol False
> matches (SE.EList [SE.ESymbol "x", SE.ESymbol "y", SE.ESymbol "z"]) (MExactList [MExactSymbol "x", MExactSymbol "y", MExactSymbol "z"]) True > matches (SE.EList [SE.ESymbol "x", SE.ESymbol "y", SE.ESymbol "y"]) (MExactList [MExactSymbol "x", MExactSymbol "y", MExactSymbol "z"]) False > matches (SE.EList [SE.ESymbol "x", SE.ESymbol "y"]) (MExactList [MExactSymbol "x", MExactSymbol "y", MExactSymbol "z"]) False
data InlineContent = ICText InlineText | ICTerm InlineTerm | ICImage InlineImage | ICVerbatim InlineVerbatim | ICLink InlineLinkInternal | ICLinkExternal InlineLinkExternal | ICListOrdered InlineListOrdered | ICListUnordered InlineListUnordered | ICFootnoteRef InlineFootnoteRef | ICTable InlineTable | ICInclude InlineInclude deriving Eq
type_character = ? p{IsLetter} | p{isNumber} | U+005F ? ; type = type_character , { type_character } ;
data InlineText = InlineText String deriving Eq
data InlineTerm = InlineTerm { termType :: Maybe String, termContent :: [InlineText] } deriving Eq
data InlineImage = InlineImage { imageType :: Maybe String, imageTarget :: URI.T, imageSize :: Maybe Size, imageContent :: [InlineText] } deriving Eq
data InlineVerbatim = InlineVerbatim { verbatimType :: Maybe String, verbatimContent :: InlineText } deriving Eq
data InlineLinkInternal = InlineLinkInternal { linkInternalTarget :: ID.T, linkInternalContent :: [LinkContent] } deriving Eq
data InlineLinkExternal = InlineLinkExternal { linkExternalTarget :: URI.T, linkExternalContent :: [LinkContent] } deriving Eq
data InlineFootnoteRef = InlineFootnoteRef { footnoteTarget :: ID.T } deriving Eq
data InlineListOrdered = InlineListOrdered { listOrderedItems :: [ListItem] } deriving Eq
data InlineListUnordered = InlineListUnordered { listUnorderedItems :: [ListItem] } deriving Eq
data TableCell = TableCell { tableCellContent :: [TableCellContent] } deriving Eq
data TableRow = TableRow { tableRowCells :: [TableCell] } deriving Eq
data InlineTable = InlineTable { tableType :: Maybe String, tableSummary :: [InlineText], tableHead :: Maybe TableHead, tableBody :: TableBody } deriving Eq
data TableRow = TableRow { tableRowCells :: [TableCell] } deriving Eq
tableCheck :: InlineTable -> Bool tableCheck table = case (tableHead table) of Nothing -> True Just th -> let rows = tableBodyRows $ tableBody table expected = length $ tableHeadNames th in all (\row -> length (tableRowCells row) == expected) rows
data TableCellContent = TCText InlineText | TCTerm InlineTerm | TCImage InlineImage | TCVerbatim InlineVerbatim | TCLink InlineLinkInternal | TCLinkExternal InlineLinkExternal | TCListOrdered InlineListOrdered | TCListUnordered InlineListUnordered | TCFootnoteRef InlineFootnoteRef | TCInclude InlineInclude deriving Eq
data InlineInclude = InlineInclude { includeFile :: String } deriving Eq
module InlineContent where import qualified URI import qualified ID data InlineText = InlineText String deriving Eq data InlineTerm = InlineTerm { termType :: Maybe String, termContent :: [InlineText] } deriving Eq data Size = Size { sizeWidth :: Integer, sizeHeight :: Integer } deriving Eq data InlineImage = InlineImage { imageType :: Maybe String, imageTarget :: URI.T, imageSize :: Maybe Size, imageContent :: [InlineText] } deriving Eq data InlineVerbatim = InlineVerbatim { verbatimType :: Maybe String, verbatimContent :: InlineText } deriving Eq data LinkContent = LCText InlineText | LCImage InlineImage deriving Eq data InlineLinkInternal = InlineLinkInternal { linkInternalTarget :: ID.T, linkInternalContent :: [LinkContent] } deriving Eq data InlineLinkExternal = InlineLinkExternal { linkExternalTarget :: URI.T, linkExternalContent :: [LinkContent] } deriving Eq data ListItem = ListItem { listItemContent :: [InlineContent] } deriving Eq data InlineListOrdered = InlineListOrdered { listOrderedItems :: [ListItem] } deriving Eq data InlineListUnordered = InlineListUnordered { listUnorderedItems :: [ListItem] } deriving Eq data InlineFootnoteRef = InlineFootnoteRef { footnoteTarget :: ID.T } deriving Eq type TableColumnName = [InlineText] data TableHead = TableHead { tableHeadNames :: [TableColumnName] } deriving Eq data TableCell = TableCell { tableCellContent :: [TableCellContent] } deriving Eq data TableCellContent = TCText InlineText | TCTerm InlineTerm | TCImage InlineImage | TCVerbatim InlineVerbatim | TCLink InlineLinkInternal | TCLinkExternal InlineLinkExternal | TCListOrdered InlineListOrdered | TCListUnordered InlineListUnordered | TCFootnoteRef InlineFootnoteRef | TCInclude InlineInclude deriving Eq data TableRow = TableRow { tableRowCells :: [TableCell] } deriving Eq data TableBody = TableBody { tableBodyRows :: [TableRow] } deriving Eq data InlineTable = InlineTable { tableType :: Maybe String, tableSummary :: [InlineText], tableHead :: Maybe TableHead, tableBody :: TableBody } deriving Eq tableCheck :: InlineTable -> Bool tableCheck table = case (tableHead table) of Nothing -> True Just th -> let rows = tableBodyRows $ tableBody table expected = length $ tableHeadNames th in all (\row -> length (tableRowCells row) == expected) rows data InlineInclude = InlineInclude { includeFile :: String } deriving Eq data InlineContent = ICText InlineText | ICTerm InlineTerm | ICImage InlineImage | ICVerbatim InlineVerbatim | ICLink InlineLinkInternal | ICLinkExternal InlineLinkExternal | ICListOrdered InlineListOrdered | ICListUnordered InlineListUnordered | ICFootnoteRef InlineFootnoteRef | ICTable InlineTable | ICInclude InlineInclude deriving Eq
id_character = ? p{IsLetter} | p{isNumber} | U+005F | U+002D | U+002E ? ; id = id_character , { id_character } ;
module IDExistence where import qualified ID import qualified BlockContent as BC import qualified Control.Monad as CM class HasID a where hasID :: ID.T -> a -> Maybe ID.T maybeEq :: Eq a => a -> Maybe a -> Maybe a maybeEq x Nothing = Nothing maybeEq x (Just y) = if x == y then Just y else Nothing instance HasID BC.BlockParagraph where hasID k b = maybeEq k (BC.para_id b) instance HasID BC.BlockFormalItem where hasID k b = maybeEq k (BC.formal_id b) instance HasID BC.BlockFootnote where hasID k b = maybeEq k (Just $ BC.footnote_id b) instance HasID BC.SubsectionContent where hasID k (BC.SCParagraph b) = hasID k b hasID k (BC.SCFormalItem b) = hasID k b hasID k (BC.SCFootnote b) = hasID k b instance HasID BC.BlockSubsection where hasID k b = case maybeEq k (BC.subsection_id b) of Just x -> Just k Nothing -> CM.foldM hasID k (BC.subsection_content b) instance HasID BC.BlockSection where hasID k b = case maybeEq k (BC.section_id b) of Just x -> Just k Nothing -> case BC.section_content b of Left ss -> CM.foldM hasID k ss Right sc -> CM.foldM hasID k sc instance HasID BC.BlockPart where hasID k b = case maybeEq k (BC.part_id b) of Just x -> Just k Nothing -> CM.foldM hasID k (BC.part_content b) instance HasID BC.BlockDocument where hasID k b = case maybeEq k (BC.document_id b) of Just x -> Just k Nothing -> case BC.document_content b of Left p -> CM.foldM hasID k p Right s -> CM.foldM hasID k s
data BlockParagraph = BlockParagraph { para_type :: Maybe String, para_id :: Maybe ID.T, para_content :: [I.InlineContent] }
data BlockFormalItem = BlockFormalItem { formal_type :: Maybe String, formal_id :: Maybe ID.T, formal_title :: [I.InlineText], formal_content :: [I.InlineContent] }
data BlockFootnote = BlockFootnote { footnote_type :: Maybe String, footnote_id :: ID.T, footnote_content :: [I.InlineContent] }
data SubsectionContent = SCParagraph BlockParagraph | SCFormalItem BlockFormalItem | SCFootnote BlockFootnote
data BlockSubsection = BlockSubsection { subsection_type :: Maybe String, subsection_id :: Maybe ID.T, subsection_title :: [I.InlineText], subsection_content :: [SubsectionContent] }
data BlockSection = BlockSection { section_type :: Maybe String, section_id :: Maybe ID.T, section_title :: [I.InlineText], section_content :: Either [BlockSubsection] [SubsectionContent] }
data BlockPart = BlockPart { part_type :: Maybe String, part_id :: Maybe ID.T, part_title :: [I.InlineText], part_content :: [BlockSection] }
data BlockDocument = BlockDocument { document_type :: Maybe String, document_id :: Maybe ID.T, document_title :: [I.InlineText], document_content :: Either [BlockPart] [BlockSection] }
data BlockImport = BlockImport { importFile :: String }
canon_inline = (#choice [ canon_footnote_ref canon_image canon_include canon_link canon_link_external canon_list_ordered canon_list_unordered canon_term canon_text canon_verbatim ])
canon_text = (#choice [#any-symbol #any-quoted]) canon_text_or_include = (#choice [canon_text canon_include])
canon_type = (#exact-list [#exact-symbol "type"] #any-symbol) canon_term_name = (#exact-symbol "term") canon_term = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_term_name] canon_text_or_include) (#variadic [canon_term_name canon_type] canon_text_or_include) ])
canon_target = (#exact-list [#exact-symbol "target"] canon_text) canon_size = (#exact-list [#exact-symbol "size"] #any-symbol #any-symbol) canon_image_name = (#exact-symbol "image") canon_image = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_image_name canon_target] canon_text_or_include) (#variadic [canon_image_name canon_target canon_type] canon_text_or_include) (#variadic [canon_image_name canon_target canon_size] canon_text_or_include) (#variadic [canon_image_name canon_target canon_size canon_type] canon_text_or_include) ])
canon_verbatim_name = (#exact-symbol "verbatim") canon_verbatim = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_verbatim_name canon_text_or_include]) (#exact-list [canon_verbatim_name canon_type canon_text_or_include]) ])
canon_link_name = (#exact-symbol "link") canon_link = (#variadic [canon_link_name canon_target] canon_text_or_include)
canon_link_external_name = (#exact-symbol "link-ext") canon_link_external = (#variadic [canon_link_external_name canon_target] canon_text_or_include)
canon_footnote_ref_name = (#exact-symbol "footnote-ref") canon_footnote_ref = (#exact-list canon_footnote_ref_name canon_text)
canon_list_item_name = (#exact-symbol "item") canon_list_item = (#variadic [canon_list_item_name] canon_inline) canon_list_ordered_name = (#exact-symbol "list-ordered") canon_list_ordered = (#variadic [canon_list_ordered_name] canon_list_item)
canon_list_unordered_name = (#exact-symbol "list-unordered") canon_list_unordered = (#variadic [canon_list_unordered_name] canon_list_item)
canon_table_name = (#exact-symbol "table") canon_table_summary_name = (#exact-symbol "summary") canon_table_summary = (#variadic [canon_table_summary_name] canon_text_or_include) canon_table_body_cell_name = (#exact-symbol "cell") canon_table_body_cell = (#variadic [canon_table_body_cell_name] canon_inline) canon_table_body_row_name = (#exact-symbol "row") canon_table_body_row = (#variadic [canon_table_body_row_name] canon_table_body_cell) canon_table_body_name = (#exact-symbol "body") canon_table_body = (#variadic [canon_table_body_name] canon_table_body_row) canon_table_body_head_cell_name = (#exact-symbol "name") canon_table_body_head_cell = (#variadic [canon_table_body_head_cell_name] canon_text) canon_table_head_name = (#exact-symbol "head") canon_table_head = (#variadic [canon_table_head_name] canon_table_head_cell) canon_table = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_table_name canon_table_summary cannon_table_body]) (#exact-list [canon_table_name canon_table_summary canon_type cannon_table_body]) (#exact-list [canon_table_name canon_table_summary cannon_table_head cannon_table_body]) (#exact-list [canon_table_name canon_table_summary canon_type cannon_table_head cannon_table_body]) ])
canon_include_name = (#exact-symbol "include") canon_include = (#exact-list [canon_include_name #any-quoted])
canon_id_name = (#exact-symbol "id") canon_id = (#exact-list [canon_id_name canon_text]) canon_paragraph_name = (#exact-symbol "paragraph") canon_paragraph = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_paragraph_name] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_paragraph_name canon_id] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_paragraph_name canon_id canon_type] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_paragraph_name canon_type canon_id] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_paragraph_name canon_type] canon_inline) ])
canon_title_name = (#exact-symbol "title") canon_title = (#variadic [canon_title_name] canon_text) canon_formal_item_name = (#exact-symbol "formal-item") canon_formal_item = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_formal_item_name canon_title] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_id] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_id canon_type] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_type canon_id] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_type] canon_inline) ])
canon_footnote_name = (#exact-symbol "footnote") canon_footnote = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_footnote_name canon_id] canon_inline) (#variadic [canon_footnote_name canon_id canon_type] canon_inline) ])
canon_subsection_name = (#exact-symbol "subsection") canon_subsection_content = (#choice [canon_paragraph canon_footnote canon_formal_item]) canon_subsection = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_subsection_name canon_title] canon_subsection_content) (#variadic [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_id] canon_subsection_content) (#variadic [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_id canon_type] canon_subsection_content) (#variadic [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_type canon_id] canon_subsection_content) (#variadic [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_type] canon_subsection_content) ])
canon_section_name = (#exact-symbol "section") canon_section_content = (#choice [canon_subsection canon_subsection_content]) canon_section = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_section_name canon_title] canon_section_content) (#variadic [canon_section_name canon_title canon_id] canon_section_content) (#variadic [canon_section_name canon_title canon_id canon_type] canon_section_content) (#variadic [canon_section_name canon_title canon_type canon_id] canon_section_content) (#variadic [canon_section_name canon_title canon_type] canon_section_content) ])
canon_part_name = (#exact-symbol "part") canon_part = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_part_name canon_title] canon_section) (#variadic [canon_part_name canon_title canon_id] canon_section) (#variadic [canon_part_name canon_title canon_id canon_type] canon_section) (#variadic [canon_part_name canon_title canon_type canon_id] canon_section) (#variadic [canon_part_name canon_title canon_type] canon_section) ])
canon_document_name = (#exact-symbol "document") canon_document_content = (#choice [canon_section canon_part]) canon_document = (#choice [ (#variadic [canon_document_name canon_title] canon_document_content) (#variadic [canon_document_name canon_title canon_id] canon_document_content) (#variadic [canon_document_name canon_title canon_id canon_type] canon_document_content) (#variadic [canon_document_name canon_title canon_type canon_id] canon_document_content) (#variadic [canon_document_name canon_title canon_type] canon_document_content) ])
canon_import_name = (#exact-symbol "import") canon_import = (#exact-list [canon_import_name canon_text])
[subsection [title An example subsection]] [paragraph] This is some content for the first paragraph. [paragraph] This is some [term [type emphasis] content] for the second paragraph. [subsection [title Another example subsection]] [paragraph] This is some content for the first paragraph of the next section.
data ImperativeContent = ICParagraph ImperativeParagraph | ICFormalItem ImperativeFormalItem | ICFootnote ImperativeFootnote | ICSubsection ImperativeSubsection | ICSection ImperativeSection | ICPart ImperativePart | ICDocument ImperativeDocument | ICImport ImperativeImport deriving Eq
instance Ord ImperativeContent where compare (ICParagraph _) (ICParagraph _) = EQ compare (ICParagraph _) (ICFormalItem _) = EQ compare (ICParagraph _) (ICFootnote _) = EQ compare (ICParagraph _) (ICSubsection _) = LT compare (ICParagraph _) (ICSection _) = LT compare (ICParagraph _) (ICPart _) = LT compare (ICParagraph _) (ICDocument _) = LT compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICParagraph _) = EQ compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICFormalItem _) = EQ compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICFootnote _) = EQ compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICSubsection _) = LT compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICSection _) = LT compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICPart _) = LT compare (ICFormalItem _) (ICDocument _) = LT compare (ICFootnote _) (ICParagraph _) = EQ compare (ICFootnote _) (ICFormalItem _) = EQ compare (ICFootnote _) (ICFootnote _) = EQ compare (ICFootnote _) (ICSubsection _) = LT compare (ICFootnote _) (ICSection _) = LT compare (ICFootnote _) (ICPart _) = LT compare (ICFootnote _) (ICDocument _) = LT compare (ICSubsection _) (ICParagraph _) = GT compare (ICSubsection _) (ICFormalItem _) = GT compare (ICSubsection _) (ICFootnote _) = GT compare (ICSubsection _) (ICSubsection _) = EQ compare (ICSubsection _) (ICSection _) = LT compare (ICSubsection _) (ICPart _) = LT compare (ICSubsection _) (ICDocument _) = LT compare (ICSection _) (ICParagraph _) = GT compare (ICSection _) (ICFormalItem _) = GT compare (ICSection _) (ICFootnote _) = GT compare (ICSection _) (ICSubsection _) = GT compare (ICSection _) (ICSection _) = EQ compare (ICSection _) (ICPart _) = LT compare (ICSection _) (ICDocument _) = LT compare (ICPart _) (ICParagraph _) = GT compare (ICPart _) (ICFormalItem _) = GT compare (ICPart _) (ICFootnote _) = GT compare (ICPart _) (ICSubsection _) = GT compare (ICPart _) (ICSection _) = GT compare (ICPart _) (ICPart _) = EQ compare (ICPart _) (ICDocument _) = LT compare (ICDocument _) (ICParagraph _) = GT compare (ICDocument _) (ICFormalItem _) = GT compare (ICDocument _) (ICFootnote _) = GT compare (ICDocument _) (ICSubsection _) = GT compare (ICDocument _) (ICSection _) = GT compare (ICDocument _) (ICPart _) = GT compare (ICDocument _) (ICDocument _) = EQ compare (ICImport i) e = compare (importContent i) e compare e (ICImport i) = compare e (importContent i)
importContent :: ImperativeImport -> ImperativeContent importContent _ = undefined
data ImperativeParagraph = ImperativeParagraph { para_type :: Maybe String, para_id :: Maybe ID.T } deriving Eq
imperative_paragraph = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_paragraph_name]) (#exact-list [canon_paragraph_name canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_paragraph_name canon_id canon_type]) (#exact-list [canon_paragraph_name canon_type canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_paragraph_name canon_type]) ])
data ImperativeFormalItem = ImperativeFormalItem { formal_type :: Maybe String, formal_id :: Maybe ID.T, formal_title :: [I.InlineText] } deriving Eq
imperative_formal_item = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_formal_item_name canon_title]) (#exact-list [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_id canon_type]) (#exact-list [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_type canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_formal_item_name canon_title canon_type]) ])
data ImperativeFootnote = ImperativeFootnote { footnote_type :: Maybe String, footnote_id :: ID.T } deriving Eq
imperative_footnote = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_footnote_name canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_footnote_name canon_id canon_type]) ])
data ImperativeSubsection = ImperativeSubsection { subsection_type :: Maybe String, subsection_id :: Maybe ID.T, subsection_title :: [I.InlineText] } deriving Eq
imperative_subsection = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_subsection_name canon_title]) (#exact-list [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_id canon_type]) (#exact-list [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_type canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_subsection_name canon_title canon_type]) ])
data ImperativeSection = ImperativeSection { section_type :: Maybe String, section_id :: Maybe ID.T, section_title :: [I.InlineText] } deriving Eq
imperative_section = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_section_name canon_title]) (#exact-list [canon_section_name canon_title canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_section_name canon_title canon_id canon_type]) (#exact-list [canon_section_name canon_title canon_type canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_section_name canon_title canon_type]) ])
data ImperativePart = ImperativePart { part_type :: Maybe String, part_id :: Maybe ID.T, part_title :: [I.InlineText] } deriving Eq
imperative_part = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_part_name canon_title]) (#exact-list [canon_part_name canon_title canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_part_name canon_title canon_id canon_type]) (#exact-list [canon_part_name canon_title canon_type canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_part_name canon_title canon_type]) ])
data ImperativeDocument = ImperativeDocument { document_type :: Maybe String, document_id :: Maybe ID.T, document_title :: [I.InlineText] } deriving Eq
imperative_document = (#choice [ (#exact-list [canon_document_name canon_title]) (#exact-list [canon_document_name canon_title canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_document_name canon_title canon_id canon_type]) (#exact-list [canon_document_name canon_title canon_type canon_id]) (#exact-list [canon_document_name canon_title canon_type]) ])
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <r:grammar xmlns:s="" xmlns:r="" datatypeLibrary=""> <r:start combine="choice"> <r:ref name="io7m.structural-3_0_0.block_content"/> </r:start> <r:define name="io7m.structural-3_0_0.xml-id"> <r:attribute name="xml:id"> <r:data type="ID"/> </r:attribute> </r:define> <r:define name="io7m.structural-3_0_0.standard-attributes"> <r:optional> <r:attribute name="xml:base"> <r:text/> </r:attribute> </r:optional> <r:optional> <r:attribute name="xml:lang"> <r:text/> </r:attribute> </r:optional> <r:optional> <r:attribute name="s:type"> <r:data type="token"/> </r:attribute> </r:optional> </r:define> <r:define name="io7m.structural-3_0_0.inline_text"> <r:text/> </r:define> <r:define name="io7m.structural-3_0_0.inline_footnote_ref"> <r:element name="s:footnote-ref"> <r:ref name="io7m.structural-3_0_0.standard-attributes"/> <r:attribute name="s:target"> <r:data type="IDREF"/> </r:attribute> </r:element> </r:define> <r:define 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