Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
io7m-jstructural-checkstyle Java implementation of the structural document language (Checkstyle policy)
io7m-jstructural-core Java implementation of the structural document language (Core)
io7m-jstructural-documentation Java implementation of the structural document language (Documentation)
io7m-jstructural-maven-plugin Java implementation of the structural document language (Maven plugin)
io7m-jstructural-schema Java implementation of the structural document language (Java implementation of the structural document language (RELAX-NG schema))
io7m-jstructural-tests Java implementation of the structural document language (Test suite)
io7m-jstructural-tools Java implementation of the structural document language (Tools)
io7m-jstructural-xom Java implementation of the structural document language (XOM backend)