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com.io7m.jnull - package com.io7m.jnull
Annotations and functions for dealing with null references.
com.io7m.jnull.documentation - package com.io7m.jnull.documentation


getDocumentationXMLLocation() - Static method in class com.io7m.jnull.documentation.NDocumentation


NDocumentation - Class in com.io7m.jnull.documentation
Functions for retrieving the documentation.
NonNull - Annotation Type in com.io7m.jnull
An annotation that indicates that the given field or parameter is never null.
NonNullByDefault - Annotation Type in com.io7m.jnull
This annotation can be applied to a package, class or method to indicate that the class fields, method return types and parameters in that element are not null by default unless there is:
notNull(T) - Static method in class com.io7m.jnull.NullCheck
notNull(T, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jnull.NullCheck
Check that x is not null, raising NullCheckException iff x == null.
notNullAll(U) - Static method in class com.io7m.jnull.NullCheck
notNullAll(U, String) - Static method in class com.io7m.jnull.NullCheck
Check that x is not null, and that all elements of x are not null, raising NullCheckException iff x == null.
Nullable - Annotation Type in com.io7m.jnull
An annotation that indicates that the given field or parameter may be null.
NullableByDefault - Annotation Type in com.io7m.jnull
This annotation can be applied to a package, class or method to indicate that the class fields, method return types and parameters in that element may be null by default unless there is:
NullCheck - Class in com.io7m.jnull
Functions for enforcing non-nullable references at run time.
NullCheckException - Exception in com.io7m.jnull
An exception raised when a NullCheck assertion fails.
NullCheckException(String) - Constructor for exception com.io7m.jnull.NullCheckException
Construct an exception with the given message.
NullCheckException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.io7m.jnull.NullCheckException
Construct an exception with the given cause and message.
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